Monday, November 15, 2010

girls night out

I'm staying in the hotel, not the motel or the Holiday Inn.

My friend Rachel took pity on me for not having enough girl friends and invited me to borrow some of hers. Yesterday we met in Waterford with a few of her buddies for a fun night out. I liked sitting in the hotel room listening to four girls talk with different accents. I learned lots of new vocab but I dont remember much since it was so rapid-fire. It was like listening to music.
"going in for the shift" = when a dude leans in for a kiss

After we got ready and left the hotel we went to a pub and then saw a Kings of Leon cover band. There were drinks and lots of dancing and lots of laughing and lots of fun. There was a slight hiccup at the end of the night when a power-hungry coat check girl tried to steal my gray H&M jacket from me. I had lost my ticket and on principle she refused to give me the jacket back--even though I knew the color, the size, the brand name, the shape of the pockets, and the gray & white brocade design on the inner lining. As I said to Rachel, if the jacket really wasn't mine then I certainly deserved to have it for studying so hard. That coat check girl was basically an idiot and eventually one of the girls rescued my coat from her evil grasp. We went home to the hotel, ate our brown bread, and drifted off to happy sleep.

Also, I bought those patent gray pumps in the picture last month. Although cute, I will never wear them out again. The pain.

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